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     多年来,主要从事于常微分方程,高等数学,常差分方程,微分方程振动理论,运动稳定性理论,泛函微分方程,线性系统理论,鲁棒控制理论等课程的教学,科研工作。主要研究兴趣是:常微分方程的振动理论,稳定性理论,泛函微分方程的振动性理论及稳定性理论;时滞微分控制系统的鲁棒稳定性、镇定及H/infinity控制;随机控制系统,跳变系统的鲁棒稳定性、镇定及H/infinity控制。在国内、国际学术刊物及国内、国际学术会议上已发表科研论文50余篇。其中有40余篇被国内、国际权威索引机构或期刊SCI, EI, ISTP, MR,和中国数学文摘等索引。










    1. Bao Jun-dong, Oscillatory behaviour of first order linear neutral differential equations with distributed delays. Demonstratio Mathematica. 1997. .30(2), 279—291 MR收录

    2. Bao Jun-dong, Hu Yong-zhen, On the oscillation of nonlinear second order nonlinear ordinary differential equations.微分方程理论和应用. 刘永请, 俞元洪著.南海出版公司,1998年3月.

    3. Bao Jun-dong, Oscjllatory behaviour of the second order nonlinear neutral differential equations with distributed delay. Demonstratio Mathmatica. 1999. 32(1), 21—30.MR收录

    4. Bao Jun-dong, On the oscillation of delay differential equation with distributed delay.Proceedings of the International Conference on Differential Equations and Computational Simulations. 1999. World Scientific .Singapore .New Jersey .London. Hong Kong.9—11.ISTP收录

    5. 包俊东,胡永珍等,一类具分布型滞量的中立型微分系统的稳定性(英).数学研究与评论.2001.21(1),37-43. MR收录

    6. Bao Jun-dong, Deng Fei-qi, Luo Qi,Qualitative behaviour of nonlinear second order differential system with distributed delay.Dynamics of Continuous,Discrete and Impulsive System. Ser. B. Additional 2003:78-81。SCI收录

    7. Bao Jun-dong, Deng Fei-qi, Luo Qi, The design of robust stabilizing controller for uncertain linear system with distrbuted delay.AMSE.Vol.57,No.3,2002:57—64EI收录

    8. 包俊东,王伟,邓飞其等,罗琦,不确定性分布型时滞系统的鲁棒镇定,内蒙古师大学报, Vol.31,No.3,2002:208--215.

    9. Bao Jun-dong, Deng Fei-qi, Luo Qi, Robust Absolute Stability of Uncertain Lurie System with Multiple Time-Varying Delays,The 2002 International Conference on Control and Automation,Xiamen,China.June 16-19,2002.。IEEE Control Systems Society,IEEE Robotics and Automation Society,IEEE Hong Kong Joint Chapter of RACS.

    10. Bao Jun-dong, Deng Fei-qi, Luo Qi, Robust stability on A Class of Nonlinear Neutral Systems with Uncertain delays,华南理工大学学报,vol.31, No.3, 2003: 21—24 EI.收录

    11. Bao Jun-dong, Deng Fei-qi, Luo Qi, Robust Stochastic Stabilization of Uncertain Markovian Jumping Systems with Distributed Time-delay Based on LMI's Approach Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control. 2003, Houston, Texas, U.S.A. 484-489.EINo.EIP03517785587)收录ISTP收录

    12. Bao Jun-dong, Deng Fei-qi, Luo Qi, Robust Exponential Stability of  Markovian  Jumping Systems with Distributed Time-delay and Uncertain Nonlinear Exogenous Disturbances. Proceedings of IEEE The second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Xi'an, China.2003:841-846 EIE.I.No.EIP04128071973)收录

    13. 包俊东,邓飞其,罗 琦,非线性中立型控制系统的鲁棒稳定性,内蒙古师大学报, 2003,No.3:198-201

    14. Bao Jun-dong, Deng Fei-qi, Luo Qi, Delay-dependent Stability of Stochastic Systems with Distributed Delay. 内蒙古师大学报,2004,No.1, 1—5

    15. 包俊东,邓飞其,罗琦,具不确定性非线性中立型控制系统的鲁棒稳定与鲁棒镇定.系统工程与电子技术。2004,26(3):361-363. EI收录

    16. Bao Jun-dong Deng Fei-qi Luo Qi. Robust Stabilizability Based on SLQ Optimal ntrol for Systems with Markovian Jumping Parameters. International Conference on Control Science and Engineering. Harbin,2003. ICCSE-Con-09

    17. Luo Qi, Deng Fei-qi, Bao Jun-dong, Robust dissipative control for nonlinear system with sector input, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences 2003. 8(2): 347—350. EI( No:EIP03397651700)收录

    18. 罗 琦,邓飞其,包俊东,二维脉冲时滞直接控制系统的振动性。华南理工大学学报,2003,31(6):94--96 EI收录

    19. Luo qi, Deng Fei-qi, Bao Jun-dong, Robust Dissipative Control For Nonlinear System with Sector Input,The 2002 International Conference on Control and   Automation,Xiamen,China.June 16-19,2002.(光盘版)。IEEE Control Systems Society,IEEE Robotics and Automation Society,IEEE Hong Kong Joint Chapter of RACS.

    20. Bao Jundong, Deng Feiqi, Luo Qi, Exponential Stability of Stochastic Differential Systems with Distributed Delays and Parameter Uncertainties, 华南理工大学学报,2004,32(12):65-69,EI收录

    21. 基于LMI’s方法-不确定性随机分布型时滞Markov跳变系统的鲁棒镇定,系统工程理论与实践,2005,25(6):1-10,EI收录

    22. Robust Stabilization of Stochastic Systems Based on the LQ Controller, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 2005, 3(1): 67-70

    23. 包俊东,邓飞其,罗琦,具有外部扰动分布时滞的不确定性Markov跳变系统的指数稳定性,工程数学学报,2005,22(3):499-506

    24. Jundong Bao, Feiqi DengState Feedback Robust H-infinity Control For A class of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Time-delay, Proceedings of the First International Conference of Complex Systems and Applications,Huhot, China, 2006. SCI收录

    25. Jundong Bao, Yanan Song, Delay Dependent Criteria for Stabilization of A Class of Interconnected Uncertain Large Scale Stochastic Systems, 2006 Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Impulsive Dynamical Systems & Applications, Qingdao, China. SCI收录

    26. Wang Yuhong, Bao Jundong, Absolute Stability of A Class of Lurie Systems with Time-delay Controllers, Proceedings of the First International Conference of Complex Systems and Applications,Huhot, China, 2006.SCI收录

    27. Han Lili,BaoJundong,Robust H-infinity} control via hybrid state feedback for a class of time varying delayed systems with  uncertainties ,2006 Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Impulsive Dynamical Systems & Applications, Qingdao, China. SCI收录

    28. Wang Yuhong, Bao Jundong, Absolute Stability of A Class of Lurie Systems with Time-Varying Delays and Time-Varying Coefficients,2006 Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Impulsive Dynamical Systems & Applications, Qingdao, China. SCI收录

    29. 包俊东,邓飞其,罗琦,赵碧蓉,不确定随机分布系统的变结构控制,内蒙古师范大学学报,2006,35(1):7-11

    30. Luo Qi, Bao Jundong, Zhang Yutian, Lagrange Stability in Mean Square of Stochastic Reaction Diffusion Equations, Ann. Of Diff. Eqs. 2006, 22(3): 330-332. MR收录

    31. 王玉红,包俊东一类非线性时滞Lurie控制系统的绝对稳定性,内蒙古师范大学学报,2007,36(1)30-34

    32. 包俊东,邓飞其,罗琦,基于SLQ控制器的时滞微分系统的鲁棒镇定,数学物理学报,2007,27(2)359-367



    (1) 1997.10-1999.12。主持完成了内蒙古自然科学基金项目“关于泛函微分方程基本理论的研究”No:97118。

    (2) 2000.10-2002.12。主持完成了内蒙古自然科学基金项目“非线性分布型滞量的微分方程、差分方程的应用研究”No:20001301.

    (3) 2003.10-2005.12。主持进行内蒙古自然科学基金项目“时滞控制系统的鲁棒稳定性分析”No:200308020101。


    自1997年以来,参与并合作完成三项国家自然科学基金项目(No:69874015; 69334030, 10461006)、国家教委基金项目(No:JS151B)、世界银行贷款项目(N0:1282B01022)、内蒙古自然科学基金项目(No:990301-2)、内蒙古高校科研基金项目(No:2D0002). 广东省自然科学基金项目(No:011629)。以及学校的基金项目等。